White House Urges Greece For Immediately Reform To Rescue Global Economy

White House Urges Greece For Immediately Reform To Rescue Global Economy: White House urges Greece to immediately reform that aims to rescue the floundering economy, and warned that failure to reform could lead to "a whirlwind" for the global economy.
"It is essential for the Greek government to make reforms," said White House spokesman, Jay Carney, on Thursday (16 / 6). "We closely monitor the situation and developments in Greece, and we are in regular communication with our colleagues in Europe. We believe they have the capacity to handle this."

So far, Carney said, Greece has made significant progress in terms of reform, but it is essential for the Greek government to deal with the fiscal measures and reforms that are often discussed with European Union and the IMF.

Meanwhile, the EU tried to buy time to patch together a second bailout package for Greece, where the debt crisis will trigger a huge strain on the euro.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) earlier said it was ready to continue to support Greece in the debt crisis, but only during the Athens adopt economic measures that have been approved.

"We are ready to continue our support for Greece to adopt economic policy reforms that have been approved," said IMF spokesman, Caroline Atkinson, in a statement.

White House Urges Greece For Immediately Reform To Rescue Global Economy
Tagging: White House urges Greece to immediately reform, Greece Immediate Economic Reform Is a Must According To White House

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