Going Under - Evanescence | Video Clip Lyrics Mp3 Download

Going Under - Evanescence | Video Clip Lyrics Mp3 Download: Going Under - Evanescence is here, Complete! Going Under - Evanescence Lyrics, Video Clip, Mp3 or song to listen and more...
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Going Under - Evanescence
Going Under - Evanescence Lyrics
Now I will tell you what I've done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me
(going under)

Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
So I don't know what's real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through

So go on and scream
Scream at me I'm so far away
I won't be broken again
I've got to breathe - I can't keep going under
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under
Going under
I'm going under

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