Floating or aligning Center Adsense unit using css

Floating or aligning Center Adsense unit using css: Many New Adsense publisher finding the easiest way to aligning their Ads unit Div to the center of the page, here is the easiest way to do it using Css...

1. Create the css property either Id or class in the following rules ( In this Example i will Use id )

#ads160 {
width:160px; ( width of your adsense unit)
margin:0 auto;

Then place your adsense code in the div created for them:
<div id='ads160'>your 160px ads unit here</div>

in some cases if you are trying to place the same ads unit sizes for multiple div it`s always better if you code them in classes just like the following rules:
Posted by Sumber Cara Wanita
.ads160 {
width:160px; ( width of your adsense unit)
margin:0 auto;

<div class='ads160'>your 160px ads unit here</div>

In this way you can place up to three ads unit centered with only one Css Class.

Note : The above codes is primarily to instruct the element to be centered inside any div but if your want to make the ads showing in a Div That Stay At The Bottom / Top of Page, you can try Creating Static Footer / header With CSS

Sumber cara | Floating or aligning Center Adsense ads Div using css
centering adsense unit,adsense unit to center of the div, aligning adsense slot
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