Brodband and It Costly Life Impact - I`am You will not be able to read any part of this page if you are not connected trough internet unless someone print or brought to you by some other media format.
it says on a techno News today that, Brodband Now 50 % Chieper But Eating More And more Users Budget, that was not the exact translation of those Indonesian originally news page. I`am not goind to say it on my on opinion so I better translate it to you, here they are "According to latest data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) that its is the case happen , the cost to the global broadband access has been down 50% over the last two years.

Although the more inexpensive, but broadband access is still exceeding revenues in various countries. Internet bill could take up most or more than 50% of Internet users spending, but now seems to have been very difficult for people to live without internet connection."
"Layanan ICT di negara seperti Amerika, Kanada, Eropa, dan beberapa negara Asia memang tergolong murah, yang hanya sekitar 1% dari pendapatan perkapita. Namun di beberapa negara berkembang biaya yang diperlukan untuk layanan ICT bisa mencapai 17% dari pendapatan perkapita penduduknya.
ITU juga melaporkan kalau penurunan biaya broadband paling terasa untuk negara berkembang yang bisa mencapai 52% sedangkan di negara maju hanya 35%. Sayang biaya akses internet murah di Indonesia sepertinya masih kurang merata dan tidak mencakup semua kawasan."
That is the tecno news for Brodband and It Costly Life Impact.
Sumber cara | Brodband Now 50 % Chipper But Eating More And more Users Budget
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