Background CSS | CSS HTML Basic Cheats sheet

Background CSS | CSS HTML Basic Cheats sheet: CSS HTML Basic Cheats sheet

CSS and HTML is the main a must know codes writing skill for any web masters and or programmers to be able to do their works fast and smooth...

I know sometimes even though we are not familiar with any Css ( Cascading style sheet ) or HTML code writing technique we will always can blog or creating a website for our business using any paid or free CMS ( content management system ) such as word press or blogger. )

Any way i`am not going to talk about CMS or blogger right now, i will just list a cheats sheet for background styling using CSS ( Cascading style sheet ), here they are :


explanations :
- Body is the part of page to place the background, you can always use bacground in any part of your web pages such as the predefine div ( column, sidebar, footer or any identity you prefer for )

- paper.gif is the url ( location ) of image you wish to use as the background.

Repeating background CSS

sometimes we want to use a small .gif or .png format pictures as our web page background nd we want it to be repeated, here how they are :


repeat-x is a code to make the background repeated horizontally only, while repeat-y to make the background repeated vertically and repeat-x -y to make them repeat in both horizontally and vertically. and you always can use no-repeat to make sure the background will not repeated ever.
Posted by Sumber Cara Wanita
see the example below :

background-position:right top;

another things shows there in is a background css positioning code which is background-position:right top; the code will make the background stays on right top of your web page part.

Colors and background css codes

If you want to make sure that there is a color to replace the image in any error such browser blocking any image by visitor instructions here the codes are:

body {background:#ffffff url('img_tree.png') no-repeat right top;}

That it is the basic background css codes cheat sheet for now... if you want to learn a lot more about css ( cascading style sheet so you better visit w3schools or HTML Dog online pages.
CSS HTML Basic Cheats sheet
By the way if you are a master, I`am sure this simple basic HTML and CSS code cheats sheet is not for you.

Sumber cara | Background CSS | CSS HTML Basic Cheats sheet
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