Berita ini diturunkan oleh Daily mail UK pada hari Kamis 19 Mei 2011 waktu setempat dalam lembaran pemberitaan yang berjudul "Revealed: Arnold Schwarzenegger's women duelled after 'Maria Shriver confronted mistress over love child'".
Dalam lembaran tersebut Dailymail mengatakan, ( silahkan menggunakan Google translate untuk menterjemahkan ), "Maria Shriver confronted her husband's mistress over suspicions she was secretly raising his love child, it has been claimed today.
Inilah foto anak dari kekasih gelap arnold

Foto arnold

The mother of four, 55, is said to have asked her family's housekeeper, Mildred Baena, 50, if her son was fathered by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
During the dramatic showdown, Baena broke down and confessed, according to America's Radar Online.
Schwarzenegger only came clean about sordid affair after Shriver told him she new the truth about his 13-year secret, insiders say. 'Maria has suspected this for a long time and she asked the housekeeper,' a source told the website. 'The housekeeper admitted it.

'Maria then went to Arnold and he confessed.'
Insiders also claim Baena was not fired from her position with the family as previously reported.
'Yes, her employment ended, but it ended without animosity,' the source added.
'She was upset with Arnold at the time and didn’t know what to do, she thought about going public, but it was a fleeting thought. Ultimately she didn’t want to hurt Arnold.'
TMZ reported today that Arnold showered Mildred's family with money during her time in the family's employ. According to the website, the Terminator star funded a lavish party for the daughter of Mildred's sister Maria - who also worked for the Schwarzeneggers.
Arnold and his family attended the Quinceanera - a traditional Latin 'coming of age' party and he made a speech telling relatives that he wanted to 'take care of' them as Mildred and Maria were so close to him for so many years.
According to the website, Mildred's son played with Arnold and Maria's children at the party.
Additionally, TMZ claims that Mildred was obsessed with Maria Shriver and wanted to 'be just like her.'"
Waduh... gito to....
Sumber cara | Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamili Pembantu Sampai Beranak
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