Akihabara News - Launched in April of 2001, Akihabara News is one of the first pioneer in the world of Weblog. Today, the blog is considered by other publication as a part of the 50 most influential companies / personalities in the IT World.
Found by Gonzague-Alexandre GAY ( also act as the Chief Editor ).
It`s Stated in their About page that, they are based in Tokyo, the heart of Japan, the Akihabara News teams is ideally placed to bring you the latest High-Tech news but also exclusive reports from the Mecca of new technologies known as Akihabara (the Akihabara District in Tokyo). Our privileged relations with some of the major actors of the industry allow us to offer you previews, reviews and interviews that are nowhere else to be found.

prepare reports, HD photos and videos (720/1080p) related to the product of their choice and destined to their publications through magazines, blogs, websites, web TV or any other media.
Launched in April of 2001, Akihabara News is one of the first pioneer in the world of Weblog. Today, the blog is considered by other publication as a part of the 50 most influential companies / personalities in the IT World.
For me I subscribe their News letter and Rss feed to always monitor the Market and latest Japan and Korea Market.
If you want to visit them, you can always point your web browser to "Http://en.akihabaranews.com " ( those are in english while if you point to www.akihabaranews.com, you will find another language you might not understand / just like me, he he he )
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