Mau tahu apa saja yang mejadi kelebihan atau fitur tambahan dari versi sebelumnya ?, berikut ini adalah fitur baru yang ditawarkan RIM dalam versi baru aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger:
*Updated BBM branding
*More “snappy” and responsive feel
*Visual distinction of message drafts vs. sent messages
*Any alerts set for SMS contacts are now preserved in BBM once an SMS contact is integrated with BBM
*Invite a Text Messaging Contact — it’s now easier to search contacts
*Location Search — you can now search for a location before sending, similar to the Location Search experience via SMS
*Location Sending — you can now detect your location with cell tower triangulation or GPS

*Appointment Sending — sending appointment or calendar events is now a similar experience to that of sending an appointment via SMS.
Gambar Ilustrasi Cara Update Blacberry Messenger ke versi v6.0.0.73:

Sumber cara | v6.0.0.73 Update Terbaru Blacberry Messenger | Blackberry messenger News
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