Test RSS feed google RSS feed

Test RSS feed google RSS feed: Google Page Aggregator Dreamed Script
First of all I Apologize may be you arrive here through a search engine and or by this " test RSS feed google RSS feed " page title and you are hoping to get an answer or solution to your problem, this is not a problem solver page, This page was created by mistake which has no mean.

I was trying to test one of my new simple HTML RSS reader which I learn From my friend in a Forum.

If you are an Expert for those purpose script please... I hope you can Teach me some of your trick " To Show A Headline from RSS Feed just like a News aggregator pages does "

I`am Indonesian and if you are Indonesian, tolong dong ajarin gimana cara bikin, Script agar bisa menampilkan konten Rss dari Blog Favorite yang saya sukai, Kalau boleh yang gratis aja.