In LG's homeland of South Korea, the Optimus Big has been officially announced under the guise of the LG LU6800. For the meantime it's only available in South Korea but if conditions are right, there's no reason why it couldn't be pushed westward, although LG haven't got plans at this point in time.
The LU6800 runs Android Froyo 2.2 out of the box, but it wouldn't surprise us if it got a Gingerbread update in the near future. It also features a 4.3" WVGA display, a 5MP autofocus camera on the back and a 1GHz processor. The Optimus Big is exclusively available on South Korea's 3rd largest carrier LG U+ from April the 28th.

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Sumber cara | LG Optimus Big gets Unleashed | LG Optimus Big gets official release | Akihabar Japan news feed
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